Anywhere But Here Travel

Established in 2008

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After years of working for a company that continued to become more about the money and less about its employees and the clients, Andrea King decided it was time to use her experience, knowledge and love of travel for good. Knowing that there was a way to provide quality travel services and a better way to travel to the public was enough to spark her entrepreneurial spirit and Anywhere But Here Travel, Inc was off an running in a matter of months.

As the President of the company, Andrea has promised to always put the client and the employees first and to continue to live by the following quote:

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

~Howard Thurman~

Standing by her "do what you love and the money will follow" motto has brought great success to Anywhere But Here Travel, its employees and, its clients.

Additionally, we are a women led business and most of our agents are women as well. We are great supporters of the LGBTQ community and we are passionate about saving animals as well.